
A Dog's Life Doggie Daycare

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A small tan dog walking towards the camera

Special Programs

At A Dog’s Life, we also offer services that are informative and cover a wide range of topics including pet nutrition and weight loss counseling; behavior modification programs; and lectures and hands-on seminars about exciting, dog-related issues. Call us to find out more about these fun and informative programs and their availability.

A very smart golden wearing glasses

Medical Supervision

If your dog has had surgery or needs medical supervision, we can accommodate his needs during the recovery period in a specialized area separate from the social setting. This provides peace of mind for the parents that they aren’t home alone chewing out stitches or unable to potty safely and as frequently as necessary, etc. Please call to see if your dog is eligible for this service.

Nutrition & Weight loss Counseling

Cindy Wold, Owner and Registered Nurse has extensive education in Canine Nutrition. She teaches lectures on Nutrition for Health as well as Canine Weight loss and Weight Management programs. These sessions vary in price based on time and topics.

A doodle in a cone in our special separated area

Behavior Modification Programs

Both lecture and active participation seminars addressing specific behaviors common to many dogs.